
MDT Level 1: The 2 Great Laws

What are the two great laws according to Audrey Rindlisbacher?

  1. Matthew 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
  2. Matthew 22:39: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.

Let’s look at my takeaways for The 2 Great Laws video of the Mission Driven Teen.

Law #1: Audrey says that following Law #1 will help me to have a strong foundation in my faith. If I am willing to cultivate a relationship with God, and to learn about His commandments and direction, I am more likely to lead a prosperous life.

Law #2: Audrey says that you must love thy neighbor as thyself even if you don’t necessarily like them. But in order to do so you must love yourself first.

What does it mean to love yourself?
It means you have to put in energy to care for yourself. If you’re cranky because you don’t get enough sleep and only eat junk food, you won’t have enough energy to love anyone else.

Another important concept in this video: love is an action, an act of the will, more so than a feeling. Before I go over that I must answer a simple question: What does it mean to love as an act of the will?
It means that it is your will to love something. In other words you choose whether to love. Love is an action that you choose to do.

I’m not quite sure I agree with that. I can’t choose whom I love, I just love them. I do believe that it can be an action such as picking friends.I love my friends because they’re nice, or because they’re good. If they started being mean I would choose to stop loving them. And yet, I’d still love them as I love myself…which is confusing…to say the least…but the point is I would choose to love or not love them.
When it comes to romantic love, in my opinion, you don’t choose who you fall for. If that makes sense.
In conclusion, I do not believe that love is ALWAYS an action but I do believe that it can be one.

A last important concept is: the more you act as if you love something the more you love it.
I do agree with this. If you spend a lot of time with someone, you are more likely to understand them and therefore like them. If you act as if you love someone, you are more likely to start loving them.

That’s all for The 2 Great Laws! Hope you learned something, and have a wonderful day. God bless! <3

Feature image copyright Audrey Rindlisbacher’s MDT program.

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