The Amoeba Sisters Book cover

Biology: Amoeba sisters Ep 2

My summary:

Amoeba sisters study tips:

  • Why does the content matter? Knowing why content matters makes you more motivated to study the topic.
  • Do not do a marathon, watching all the videos at once. There’s a reason the videos are short to begin with.
  • When you are studying a video, keep distractions away
  • Make a schedule
  • Pause video if there’s a new concept or new word you haven’t heard before and look it up
  • Write your notes as doodles if it helps you to remember
  • stay curious about your learning
  • Tell others what you’ve learned to cement it in your mind
  • Remember that everyone was a beginner once
  • Don’t put a label on yourself saying that “it’s too hard» or «you can’t do it”. That limits what you can do
  • Have a Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset is believing that a person’s abilities aren’t innate but can be improved through effort, learning and persistence.

Fixed Mindset describes children and adults who believe their intelligence, talents, and personalities are fixed traits that cannot grow.

That’s all for the Amoeba Sister Ep 2! Hope you learned something, and have a wonderful day. God bless! <3

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