Mission Driven Teen Welcome Video graphic

MDT Level 1: Welcome video

I just started the Mission Driven Teen Program and will share my experience as I complete each step.

Audrey Rindlisbacher starts the welcome video off with some questions such as: “What creates a successful life?” and “What path are you on?”

Her answer to the first question “What creates a successful life?” was the 7 Laws of Life Mission: God, Self, Truth, Humanity, Do it again, Hear the call, and Courageously execute. By following those principles you will be led to a successful life.

My answer to that question would be to try your best and move forward, have friends that bring you up, and focus on things that matter to you. Take some time to understand what you want to do with your life, and from there, work towards your goals.

Her answer to the second question “What path are you on?” is more open-ended. She wants us to find out for ourselves. Her point is that choices lead you somewhere. The choices you make put you on the path you’re on. She says that if you know where you would like to end up, it is easier to make choices that lead straight there.

I am going to answer that question personally, not generally as she did.
“What path am I on?” I’m not quite sure yet. I know that I would like to work with animals. Right now, I am interested in having a rescue shelter but i’m not quite sure how to do that yet. Choices I am making now that could potentially help go towards that goal are: spending time with animals, stable cleaning, learning how to care for horses, taking good care of my dog and cat. All of those could help me go towards owning a shelter in the future.

Mrs Rindlisbacher warns us that it can be intimidating to learn about great men and women and try to be like them. It is important to understand that you don’t have to be exactly like them. You just have to follow the same principles to lead you to doing great things.

In conclusion, she said that you CAN succeed if you follow the 7 laws of life mission.You CAN succeed if you follow the principles of great people. And lastly, you CAN succeed if you listen and follow God.

That’s all for the Welcome Video! Hope you learned something, and have a wonderful day. God bless! <3

Feature image copyright Audrey Rindlisbacher’s MDT program.

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