The mission driven teen program cover.

MDT Level 1: Study Skills

Audrey Rindlisbacher’s guide to getting the most out of a book the first time you read it.

Preparing to read:
Learn about the author: some people think it makes you biased about the book but Audrey Rinlisbacher believes that it just adds to the experience. It helps you to have more of a “conversation” with the author when reading the book.
Read a plot summary: Audrey doesn’t think it’s a spoiler: just because you know what’s going to happen doesn’t mean you know how it happens. (I personally would never read a plot summary, I feel it defeats the purpose of reading a book and would spoil it for me. I really don’t like that. I want to experience what the author is trying to tell me while i’m reading, not before.)

Five types of questions to ask while reading a book:
Open-ended questions get you thinking more.
(Write the page numbers that prompted the questions)

What to highlight in your book:
One theme/Takeaway
Principles from the workbook

Objective is to get the most out of the book after your first read.

That’s all for MDT Level 1: Study Skills! Hope you learned something, and have a wonderful day. God bless! <3

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