The Amoeba Sisters Book cover

Biology: The Amoeba Sisters: CER

Photo of The Amoeba Sisters CER video notes

CER stands for C= Claim, E= Evidence, R= Reasoning

Usually, this is the sequence to arrive to the conclusion of a scientific experiment.
Step 1: Make a claim
Step 2: Look for evidence (through experimentation and the resulting data)
Step 3: Reasoning- Analyze the evidence and make deductions to substantiate the claim.

Supporting data: look for sources that are factual, and peer reviewed that corroborate your evidence.

The example given in this video: where do turtles go during winter and the lake freezes over?

It’s good to have scientific experiments organized through this CER sequence.

That’s all for the Amoeba Sisters, CER! Hope you learned something, and have a wonderful day. God bless! <3

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